Thursday, September 10, 2020

For Virtual ENL Students


                    September 1, 2020

Dear Parents or Guardians:

     Your child has previously received English as a New Language (ENL)  services. Normally at this time of year, you would get a letter with your child’s test scores. Because there was no testing in May, your child will remain at their level from the previous year. ENL students will take the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) in the spring of 2021. Until they reach a proficient level of English required to exit the ENL program, they will continue to receive services. The time necessary for achieving proficiency in English will vary with each child, depending on many factors, including their initial level of English proficiency and previous school experiences. 

The ENL teacher will work with classroom teachers to ensure that your child has every opportunity to be supported in successful English language learning. Even as a virtual learner, your child will have time with an ENL teacher. There will be a virtual check in once a week in the morning, and additional time can optionally be scheduled between 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm. 

Your child should already be in an ENL Google Classroom. That classroom has not moved or changed from the previous year. If your child is not enrolled, they can search for my email to find the invitation, or they can use the code on the attached chart. Please check the Google Classroom regularly for updates and links for the morning meetings on your designated day.. 

There are tutorials about using Google Translate and Google Classroom on my website These tutorials are available in several different languages. 

Please email or call if you have questions, would like more information, or would like to discuss your child’s progress. You can also contact me through Talking Points, which is helpful as it will translate our communications.  I look forward to working with you this year!


Carissa Zuniga

ENL Teacher

(518) 629-3400

Grade Level

Morning Meeting Day

Google Classroom Code


Monday 8:00 am-8:25 am


1st Grade

Tuesday 8:00 am-8:25 am


2nd Grade

Wednesday 8:00 am-8:25 am


3rd Grade

Thursday 8:00 am-8:25 am


4th Grade

Friday 8:00 am-8:25 am

Beginners 4th-5th:


Advanced 4th:


Advanced 5th:


6th Grade:

5th Grade

6th Grade

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